This blog was created for students teachers to reflect on their teaching experience at school and share this experience with one another. As each shares and collaborates on best practices, successes as well as mistakes in teaching ESL, it is hoped that student teachers will benefit from such collaborative reflections on this blog platform and continue to appreciate the use of such a platform for further collaborations even after Teaching Practice.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Greetings everyone! Hope all of you are doing well, and still have the burning passion and excitement we did at the very start of the practicum. I'm doing alright, just a little worn out I must say. But hey, I'm enjoying the littlest moments in SMK TTDI with my students. For starters, my form 2 kids have just finished their final exams so I was the one who marked their papers after my mentor told me to do so. And let me tell you guys, I really feel at a lost. They are not close to getting 40% in their overall marks, and I just feel really sorry for them. I got the chance to invigilate their English exam the previous week, and I saw that some of them didn't even try. The moment they received their paper, they glanced through it and they slept! Hence, me marking some VERY empty papers with practically only their names and sentences they copied from the instructions. With that, I came to class this week with just the exam papers and their marks, and I went through English Paper 1 with them. With only about 10-12 students in the class (the troublemakers don't even bother to come to school now), the class was quieter and calmer, so that made it easier for me to explain the questions and answers one by one. My second observation with Dr PK was much better than my first one. I planned some 'speaking' activities with the kids and they tried to speak more in English. I took them to the media room to show some videos and they enjoyed it. I even learnt that one of the most problematic student can actually pronounce sentences in English clearly. I asked them to do a simple role-play which I've already prepared the scripts. So all they had to do was practice the pronunciation and memorize some of the sentences. Thank goodness, they were able to do that. However, Dr PK said that I still need to improve on my classroom management as they were still walking about and made too much noise. Oh well, with only one month left of practicum, all I can say is.. "Hang in there, comrades!" All the best to all :)

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