I have to say two months of teaching are just too short for me to teach and learn more, but just because of those two months, I have rethink the meaning of "teacher". Until now, the moments I got along with students still clearly emerge in my mind.
After two weeks of teaching, I used to ask the monitors of two classes after class what do they think about my teaching and how do they feel the way when I get along with them. The monitor of 4S1 is a smart funny boy, he told me that he likes the way I teach and he has no problem with my class, but he gave me a little suggestion " Teacher you know you and us are all young people and you only be a few years older than us( omg, he still thinks me as their age group, feel so touching lol) , we don't expect the teacher who is too fierce and serious,so don't worry and hope you can be more relax with us, we could be more understandable." Well, from his suggestion I realized I may look a bit serious and tense just because I was too serious about teaching in order to perform well. It reminds me the words which my senior used to tell me when we communicate " It is not a good plan to be too serious just in order to make them listen to you, students like friendly teacher who wins their hearts." Standing in their position helps to see wider and clearer. In order to get more voice, I asked some other students do they really can learn something from my class. Their detailed responses like what they have learn from me and which activity they like the most definitely were the biggest positive encourages for me.
Never forget to open up ourselves before expecting students to open up to us. Flash back to my teaching period, what I have been always keep in mind is what can I give to students. At the same time I felt satisfied and cheerful when I teach them something useful and get their positive response from their enjoyable cooperation. I felt delighted when I saw students were taking notes so carefully while I was doing revision for them.
I still remember how I deal with those naughty students with " threatening" and punishment; How I made a first step to approach those silent students to make them speak up. How I was "tortured" by their thousands of questions towards me everyday.
On the last day of teaching as well as their last day of school, I got permission from teacher that I did not need to teach just spend time and say bye with my students. At the last day of teaching, I received the most meaningful gift ever.
From 4S1, the naughty, smart, funny class. everyone wrote their appreciation on an mahjong paper

Here are some of the students' voice to me:
" I have always had fun and enjoyed your lessons. You have made our class cheerful and you always have activities and games for us to make the class more interesting. I really hoped that you can teach us for a much longer time. Lastly, I would like to say thank you and good luck to you!"
" Thank you for teaching us. Hope you had a great time in teaching. We know that you put a lot effort to teach us. Owhhh, I like your accent too! All the best in China. "
"Thank you for teaching us, your lesson were very interesting and helpful. I have gained a lot of knowledge from you. English lesson was my favorite lesson these two months because of you. Wish you all the best. Miss Amanda."
" I like your teaching style, hope you could show more smile! " ( not enough? well, will smile more! lol)
" Thank you for everything! I like your innovative class and you are creative and kind. Hope you could be the principal in the future!" ( haha, let me be the qualified teacher first! )
After reading all these words and wishes, I felt two month efforts were not in vain. Uncountable nights with pulling hair to plan the lessons were worth for me. In those two months of teaching, two of the most strongest feeling for me about teacher are:
As a teacher, if you want to teach "a glass of" knowledge, you must have "a pail of" knowledge or even more knowledge first. Teacher is a profession which carry more responsibility as it is a big influence to others life and future.
A popular teacher may not a good teacher in professional teaching, but a good teacher must get the acceptance from students first.
Two months teaching experience helped us stand at the very beginning of teaching road. Profession, devotion and responsibility are the three things we need to keep chasing on the way. I appreciate what I have been through in those two months. We learn from mistakes, we improve from experience. A long way to go, good luck to everyone. Cheer up. :)
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