I am really sorry because I was not able to post about my teaching practical from week 6... So now I'm sharing my stories to all of my course mates...
Students creating their slogans. |
This group almost done with their poster on the topic. |
Still writing and drawing. |
I am proud to say that my kids are really awesome and wonderful especially my form2 students. After week 6 they really obey all mu rules and did all their homework. Even, they are really enthusiastic in participating in group work. As what I can say here, they did a good job in delivering all their ideas as well as sharing their points regarding the subject. Before this I had mentioned that I used a technique to make them listen to me. Which is 5 languages that I knew. And it really works! My students cooperated with me very well which I felt so glad to teach them. I would like to share a few pictures here when I did a group work regarding the topic "Open Burning". I asked them to be in group of 6 and design a poster on how to create awareness among the public to stop open burning using 5 to 6 sentences. I also discussed with them about the slogan that they designed and give marks according to their creativity and how they present it. Here are a few examples.
Students raising their hands to answer my question. |
These are the examples of slogans designed by the students. |
I'm giving explanation and corrects the mistake they made. |
Unfortunately, I was not able to capture pictures for my Form4 class. But what I can say here is that, they really cooperated with me even some of the students are really stubborn and like to talk in class while I'm teaching. When, Dr. Adele came to observe me for the first time, i was nervous but I can say that i am confident to handle the class even I had made a few mistakes. But the worst part is for my second observation, I really felt disappointed because I did not delivered a good teaching aids and also my instruction was not so clear. But I really tried my best and my mentor really encouraged and supported me a lot. I had the chance to know my students because I had two different classes. So I tend to learn more about the backgrounds of my students and based on that I will be bale to handle the classes in future.
I did not get good comments for my form 4 class which makes me feel so stressed. But I am lucky because my another mentor for my form 2 class praised me a lot. This is because before their exam started, i did a debate. I am shocked because my first impression is that, my form2 kids will not be able to deliver their points. But I was wrong. They did a very good job. They were so excited to participate in the debate.. My mentor was there to observe me. After the debate, my mentor called me and said that, " You did a very good job". You should do it again next time." The words that she said makes me feel appreciated for the effort that I have been putting all this while. I recorded the debate activity, but unfortunately I accidentally deleted it which I only realized few days back.
I hope I can go through this teaching practice until week 10 with the blessing of the lovely people around me..
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