This blog was created for students teachers to reflect on their teaching experience at school and share this experience with one another. As each shares and collaborates on best practices, successes as well as mistakes in teaching ESL, it is hoped that student teachers will benefit from such collaborative reflections on this blog platform and continue to appreciate the use of such a platform for further collaborations even after Teaching Practice.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Nothing Great was Ever Achieved without Efforts

Howdy Lovely Comrades,

First and Foremost, I am so sorry for the late posting.. Procrastination brings harm than good to yourself (Ps: Its a note to myself).

So, by the time you read my post, I am sure that all of you are leisurely enjoying yourself at home as we are finally done with our teaching practice.. Guess what?? Its a Wrap, people! :)

Back in line, this post should be meant for my course mates who are really amusing and their stories really amazed me as I read their posts. I was really overwhelmed and talked back to myself, how can they came out with such strategies? and how did they find the spirits to overcome their weaknesses?.. Its a big shout out to Amanda (Liu Shuoyi) and Muniroh.

As for Amanda, in her post, she posted that she has attended the seminar on the students learning style. And she implemented what she learnt to her students. In my point of view, it was great because as a teacher, we cannot expect all students will be able to catch what we taught them. As a teacher, we must know our students preference in learning and adapt it into our teaching. We can devise a lesson that suits the students learning style preference for an effective teaching. As I read her post, I acknowledged her efforts into knowing her students learning style preference in order for her to be able to get their attention during lessons.
That was brilliant Amanda :)

Next is about Muniroh, being class mates, course mates, colleagues, friends and knowing her for more than 3 years, she finally has shown her true colour and she is incredibly inspiring. She gained my respects a lot for being able to overcome her weaknesses. Her post about "Teacher and Microphone" inspired me a lot and it was an eye-opening post for me as "Nothing Great was Ever Achieved without Efforts". She definitely knows how to and she used a microphone to teach and that is nothing to be ashamed for, that shows what she got and she needs to know that her action was truly brave and amazing. Being gifted with a small voice is not a circumstance for her to be a good teacher as long as she has the courage and mission to bring herself upward. Seeing her post reminded me of one of the teacher in SMK Bukit Bandaraya, Miss Yeap. She is a Mathematics teacher, very soft spoken and kindhearted. She has been using microphone for almost 5 years and she said to me, the microphone has been part of herself and the microphone is the source of her strength. How amazing she is and true indeed, she was one of the teacher that I respect during my teaching practice in SMK Bukit Bandaraya. So Muni dear, go on with what you got and keep that confidence in yourself.. I cannot be any prouder of you, you are really great and courageous. 

Based on what I have written, I am truly blessed to be inspired by these two people and I know, the rest of my course mates are very inspiring and hardworking as well. They all have their own strength and ways to overcome their weakness. You are all a dearest to me. 

Winston Churchill said, "Succes is not final, failure is not fatal but it is the courage to continue that counts".

Xoxo -Wan Athirah-